********************* Welcome to Interact!! ********************* Interact is the ultimate authorware tool. It has been ergonomically designed to enable you to create interactive multimedia programs within minutes. ********************* Its Capabilities ********************* Interact can produce interactive programs using its unique "charting" method of programming. Programs are literally drawn onto the screen; there is no need for any coding or constant reference to information in manuals. Graphics, sound, music and video can all be added. The full version is provided with a picture library of over 300 pictures and 100 sounds especially recorded by the Royal Shakespeare Company. By using Interact's module "Viewer", you can freely distribute the programs you create and collect and mark the data using the "Assessor" module. ********************* Its Uses ********************* Interact is ideal for computer-based training, tests, interactive guides and story-telling, presentations, scientific research, data-collection and analysis. ********************* The Price is Right! ********************* Interact is available from ErgoSystems at £199 (ex VAT) So send a cheque or postal order to: ErgoSystems 1 Melrose Place Clifton Bristol BS8 2NQ Or contact our marketing manager on: Tel: 0117 973 8816 Fax: 0117 974 3188